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"Thumbs up across America"

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Benchmarking compares what you expect to what was accomplished

Abraham Lincoln said:

“America will never be destroyed from the outside!

If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

God Bless America!

Ready on the left?                   Ready on the right?


First consider what you expected from your candidate!


"Remember! The curtain will be closed and only you need to know for whom you voted"

You're going to be asked: Which candidate in "Your" opinion is best qualified to meet "Your" needs:

  • Best qualified to put God back in our government, Christ back in Christmas, and Baby Jesus back in our public square.

  • Best qualified to rebuild our military so as to preserve our freedom and independence, secure our borders and fix our immigration system, so as to once and for all end drug and human trafficking, end our historical trade imbalance with countries around the world and permanently bring lost industries back to the US, challenge our teachers to foster American' ingenuity, rather than socialist' ideology; graduate career-ready employees rather then life-long politicians, and lead us past the moon full speed ahead to Mars.

  • Best qualified to work the hardest and grow our economy, negotiate a settlement that'll end the Korean War and unite the Korean Peninsula, require our allies to pay their fair share for wars fought a half a world away, and once and for all bring our solders home, out of unwinnable wars between cultures at war for centuries,

  • Best qualified to reengineer our US health insurance industry so we can lockdown "Home-rule" cost effective and affordable healthcare and insurance for all US citizens from conception until natural death, reduce our taxes while eliminating useless economy-stifling regulations, consistently drive the stock market and our IRAs to record heights, and in addition, clean up the polluted air circulating the globe.

I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm only asking you to be honest with yourself and country when you vote November 3, 2020.

Vote as if: your freedom, you independence, your liberty, your job security, your healthcare, your family's future, your life and your right to defend yourself and homeland as you see fit depend on it! Because it does!

 Hopefully you'll show up at the polls with a train-load full of your friends and family.



Now let's benchmark the left side of the isle vs. President Donald J. Trump!

You be the judge!


Benchmarking #101


In corporate America, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) are often given a five year guaranteed, “Can’t be fired” contract, so the CEO can hit the ground running with a new and creative, often a high risk taking management style.

Our Commander in Chief should be afforded the same respect!

In corporate America employees "benchmark" their projects to make sure all involved are carrying their weight and they're on target based on the project's "Mission Statement." Mission Statements simply state what "will be done" to ensure the project stay's on target and accomplishes its goals. Schools, colleges, and universities test/benchmark students to ensure all faculty involved are teaching up to expectations and they'll have students all ready for graduation when their time comes.

As taxpaying voters, let's curb all the political infighting, and benchmark the job that's been done thus far by President Donald Trump and the job that's been done thus far by the elected legislators on the left side of the isle. Then you be the judge at the polling booth November 3, 2020.

Let's "Benchmark" the Trump/Pence administration vs. the left side of the isle 2016 - November 3, 2020

The US House and Senate 2008 - 2020:

President Donald Trump 2016 - 2020

On January 1, 2016:

We had 13 million more people on food stamps!

Top 10 poorest cities in America were run by Democrats

We suffered the lowest labor participation rate in 70 years!

We had eight (8) million more people in poverty, and

We had gone through the slowest and worst economic recovery since the 1940's.

Representative Karen Bass, Democrat from California on December 13, 2019, called for the impeachment of President Trump if he'd be elected to a second term.

Michigan's Congress Women Rashida Tlaibs, considered to be representing the "new" Democrat Party, pledged to impeach Donald Trump the day she was sworn in. Read her story and you be the judge.

Pelosi's son involved in Ukraine scandal.

Note: Even CNBC has reported the truth!

Tony Evers, along with Texas democrat Representative Al Green vowed to impeach our President even before he was elected. Are politicians with that much hate for the other side of the isle really ever going to put the best interest of voters before their own?

After the Muller Hoax and Impeachment Witch Hunt we learned:

Democrat platform proposes $94 trillion new green deal we take in 4 trillion a year, how's that going to work?

Warren proposes $52 trillion Medicare for all in ten years. In addition to $94 trillion for the green new deal.

Remember Obama saying: "You can keep your doctor, keep your plan, and there'll be no increase in your healthcare cost or insurance? Plan costs are up an average 174%

Four separate investigation launch accusing Trump of first colluding with Russia then Ukraine, then of Bribery, then Quid-pro-quo, etc. Read the Mueller report.

Check their calendar! The left side of the isle in Washington spent the majority of their time in Washington trying to impeach our President, first spending over $32 million plus on four bogus investigations, trying to prove he was colluding with the Russians, and than, starting before he was elected, vowing to impeach him for every criminal act they could think of to pin on him. I remind anyone who plans to vote for any of them to remember the ole saying: "Screw me once, shame on you." Screw me twice, shame on me." Click here for the updated cost of the Mueller Investigation. 



Veterans For Trump:


Christians for Trump:

Donald Trump got rid of the Democrat' Johnson Amendment, freeing up faith base groups to take a stand against abortions without jeopardizing their tax exempt status, and he took compulsory finding of abortions out of Obamacare.

Why Wisconsin farmers will vote for Donald Trump!

Why Wisconsin will vote for Donald Trump - Marinette Marine

Why homeowners will vote for Donald Trump

Why California is going to vote for Trump!

Helped every demographic group in the country

Rewarded for being able to

We are now energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

We now have record low unemployment in all demographics to include:

The lowest unemployment for African Americans.

The lowest unemployment for Hispanics.

The lowest unemployment for Asians,

The lowest unemployment for women in the workforce,

The lowest unemployment for youth across the country.


We’ve experienced the largest tax cuts and deregulation in our history, consequently:

Our automobile industry is moving back to America.

We have record high employment participation

Our economy is booming!

We have record-high stock markets!

And wages for every age group and gender are growing!

best employment situation since 1969

Jobs Obama said will never come back are back.

We the people shocked the world. Let's do it again.

Chained the rules of engagement

Got rid of the Johnson Amendment



Trump Accomplishments



Since Donald Trump has been in office:

We are now energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

We now have record low unemployment in all demographics to include:

We’ve experienced the largest tax cuts and deregulation in our history, consequently:

Our automobile industry is moving back to America.

We have record high employment participation

Our economy is booming!

We have record-high stock markets!

Wages for every age group and gender have gone up!

He's building "The Wall" supported by both side of the isle up until the vocal minority commandeered our Democrat Party.

He's invested more in our military and veteran community than any President in our history.

As JFK challenged us to land a man on the moon, Donald Trump has challenged us to go beyond the moon to Mars.

beat the calafaid

better freer trade deals

Conservative judges

take down bagdady

844 Lavin TV or


President Trump announces the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (U-tube)

Abu Bakr al-Baghdad update:

Phase #1 trade deal with China where China will buy 200 biliion in US goods in next 2 years 1/4 of which is Agriculture.

Go to:




Words of wisdom from Ronald Reagan!

It was Ronald Reagan who said, “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” He also warned, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Unless we get God back into our classrooms and focus more on our proud American heritage, we're dooming our next generation to a life dampened down by socialist' mediocrity, if not worse.


In the America we all know and love:

In the America we all know and love, we're allowed to be free and independent, open minded and free to bounce back and forth between political parties, and at times, stand liberated and free to laugh at both sides of the isle. 

Considering all 20 democrat candidates have stepped far left, vowing to confiscate our guns, raise our taxes, tighten government regulations, eliminate the use of fossil fuels, and climbed on Bernie Sander's slippery slope toward socialism, it's my sincere hope and prayer, that our political "Independents" will step up to the plate and vote Donald Trump back into the White House for another four years.

After all, it's been said: "Their women are strong, their men are all good looking, and their children are all far above average."



Question! What's happened to our once proudly moderate Democrat Party?

The Party of JFK and FDR, that demanded the youth of America:

"Ask not what our country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

The Party that landed us on the moon, lead us through WWII and pulled us out of the Great Depression.

It's been frustrating to watch a vocal minority in our Democrat Party turn a once moderate Party' platform into a far-left, socialist leaning nightmare for America; a Party platform that now demands a minimum wage to go to work, and a free education to go to school. A Democrat Party that now demands we open our borders, get rid of ISIS, close down our fossil fuel industry, and give free healthcare to any illegal alien who can make it into one of their sanctuary cities.

Why has our Democrat Party gone so far to the left? Why did so many democrats focus more on impeaching our duly elected President than securing our borders, more on impeaching our President then creating jobs, or growing our economy? If you haven't the answers to these fundamental questions, you'd be well advised to read this page top to bottom before going to the polls on November 3, 2020.

We all need to pause and consider what it is that convinced so many moderate democrats to adopt Bernie Sander's extreme brand of European Socialism; the same European Socialism England's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned, “works well until you run out of other people’s money." Worse yet, we need to pause and wonder what it was that convinced so many moderate democrats to fall hook-line-and-sinker for Bernie's "Economic Bill of Right," taken almost word for word from USSR Communist Dictator Joseph Stalin.

We need to pause and wonder, why any veteran would stab our Commander in Chief in the back, while he was reengineering the Veterans Administration (VA), rebuilding our military, securing our southern border, fighting the corruption in Ukraine, and negotiating the United States-Mexico-America-Canada (USMAC) free trade agreement; which was correcting NAFTA, considered one of President Bill Clinton's biggest mistakes; A bigger mistake than the negotiations he held with Monica in the Oval Office.

Take heart! America's Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender (LGBT) communities across the country have seen through the vocal minority's hate, anger, and efforts to divide our country along Party lines. We give eight thumbs up to our LGBT's for standing up and fighting for the freedom to be who they choose to be. We salute all those who've had the courage to join our conservative side of the isle.     

I'm not asking anyone to agree with me. I'm only asking you to read this page top to bottom and if you choose, to sit through a series of Risk Management workshops that I've now converted to an e-book you can share with your friends and family, before taking them to the polls on November 3, 2020, to reelect Donald Trump.

Reading this page top to bottom on-line will give you links to the research files used to create both the Risk Management workshops, as well as the "Two Thumbs up across America" e-Book.  Reading top to bottom will also hot-link you to our "Deep Throat" files stored at my Risk Management Learning Center. To protect the guilty, I've coded the names of the social media junkies suffering from Trump Deraignment Syndrome, that I used as examples throughout the workshops.

It's time for America to stand up and fight back!

"It's now full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!"

The vocal minority who've commandeers our much loved Democrat Party has awakened America, and as Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto, the man who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor said, when he saw what his air force had done:

“I fear we’ve awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with terrible resolve.”

Wake up America and you be the judge!

Go back to Vice President Al Gore's selling his radio station to Al Jazeera and connect the dots between the global fossil fuel industry, the main-street media specifically CNN, and the far, far left's extreme position on global warming.

Go back and follow the funding of the Russian Dacia from the DNC through the Clinton Foundation to the operatives in Eastern Europe, back to Ukraine and into the pockets of corrupt politicians on the left side of the isle. 

Go back and ask yourself why Hillary signed off on giving 20% of our Uranium to Ukraine and why Barack whispered into an open mike, "Tell Putin to wait until I'm reelected to bring up reducing our nuclear shields in Europe.

Did you ever wonder how Hillary got away with destroying 33,000 subpoenaed emails, yet the far left were able to waist our time and money attempting to impeach our duly elected President Donald J. Trump? God willing, it'll be pay-back time at the polls November 3, 2020.

Did you ever wonder how many times Bill was bribed and extorted after he soiled the intern's dress in the Oval Office?

Did you ever wonder why the far-left vocal minority still ignores the shenanigans of Joe and Hunter Biden, and his kids, yet they'll waste over three years of our time and millions of taxpayer dollars to impeach the President of the United States of America?

Did you ever wonder how the Clintons paid for Chelsea's wedding, being broke when the left the White House (per Hillary), yet spend what they spent on their daughters wedding? Or, how a Community Organizer from Chicago (Barrack) could make it all the way into the White House and after only eight years afford to buy an $11 million dollar estate on which to retire?

Finally! Did you ever wonder why the "Deep State" is trying so hard to get Trump out of office, before he looks under the floor boards in the Capital?  I think it'll be great having him in office just to watch the Deep State squirm.

Did you ever wonder how much the democrats' Mueller investigation and their Witch Hunt cost?

Click here for an update from the Department of Justice website. 

Click here to access Politifact's truth meters  


FYI: We're looking at the tip of the iceberg!


Is it time? You can bet your sweet ass it's time!

It's time to call out the vocal minority who've convinced the Democrat Party to endorse Socialist Bernie Sander's plans to end our use of fossil fuels in ten years, confiscate our guns, and give a free education along with free healthcare to any illegal alien able to make it across the border and into one of their sanctuary cities.

According to the "Great One" Mark Lavin, what the vocal minority doesn't understand is the now Democrat Party's platform is a carbon copy of Joseph Stalin's Communist Party platform, and Bernie now has them all dead set on leading America through Socialism, to Marxism and on to a full-fledged membership in the Communist Party. Doubt it? Google Mark Lavin's opinion of Bernie Sanders or click here and you be the judge.

And it's time to call out those suffering from Trump Deraignment Syndrome having fallen hook-line-and sinker for Barack Obama and Chicago's Father of Community Organizers Saul David Alinsky's 8 Rules for Radicals. Doubt it? Google "Affinity Obama Biden Alinsky" and read Alinsky's rules to follow when organizing a political campaign. If we're going to rescue the Democrat Party from their vocal minority, we're going to have to make clear the campaign strategy adopted by the radical left. Click here to order Alinsky's book.

In case you can't Google, here's a reprint of Alinsky's 8 Rules for Radicals. It's the play book for the far-left's vocal minority.

Rules for Radicals: By Saul David Alinsky

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

 If you still doubt who the far left the vocal minority has dragged our once proud Democrat Party:

click here and read: Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model - Kindle



It's time to rescue the Democrat Party from their far-left vocal minority!

 "It's time to stop the "tail from wagging the dog" and the "blind-leading-the-blind" 

It's critically important for our country, to have a strong, independent well informed Democrat Party and equally strong, independent, well informed Republican Party, both equally prepared to debate the "substantive" life threatening issues leading up to an election. At this point, we have the tail (vocal minority) wagging the dog (Democrat Party) urged on by the miss informed (blind) leading the misguided (blind).

Unfortunately, those who have refused to tune into the Freedom Caucus or Judicial Watch, or any of the conservative talk shows, let alone FOX News will be the first to ride down the slippery slope toward socialism. History has proved, over and over, it will be the the ignorant (meaning those willing to ignore reality), who will be most easily duped by the far-left socialist wing of the Democrat Party. You'll find them on our bridges and along our highways shouting obscenities at anyone wearing one of our "Thumbs up for Trump" buttons; blindly unwilling to even consider, we're all in this fight for our freedom and independence together.

Am I wrong? Eighteen minutes after President Trump was elected the Democrats far-left, vocal minority lead by Allen Green, in his address to Congress vowed, no matter how America voted, they were going to impeach the President of the United State. It had nothing to do with crimes committed, a Russian influence, or the popular vote vs. the Electoral College. It only had to do with what Socialist do when they can't win at the ballot box. It's a classic case of the "Tail wagging the dog" or "The blind leading the blind." Or both.  Socialists commandeer the electorate, put the nations business on hold, and attack anyone who dares challenge their false hope and promises.

So now that they've failed to impeach the President during his first term, will the socialists be at it again? They started the moment they failed the first time.  Representative Karen Bass, Democrat from California on December 13, 2019, called for the impeachment of President Trump if he'd be elected to a second term. As with their first attempt to nullify the will of the people, it'll have nothing to do with what's in the best interest of our democratic Republic.

If we allow the socialists imbedded in our Democrat Party to take over our Republic, we can say good-bye to our freedom, our independence, our liberty, and our American Dream.    

Why did I launch "Thumbs up Across America"?

I launched, in order to find common ground on which we all can agree, secure our borders, grow our economy, and provide cost effect healthcare and insurance for every American from conception until natural death. I'm going to offer a series of Risk Management workshops that'll help voters across America select the candidates that best represent their family values. Far too many voters have been lured onto the slippery slide leading toward Socialism. Far too many are willing to standby, and watch God being taken out of our schools and public squares. Far to many suffering from Trump Deraignment Syndrome are willing to open our borders and welcome drug and human traffickers, along with home-grown terrorists into their sanctuary cities.

I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm only asking you to get back to thinking for yourself before heading to the polls.  

"Keep you head down, power dry, and hold your fire until you close the curtain."



Why "Two thumbs up across America"?

We're giving new meaning to: "United we stand, divided we fall!"


Two thumbs up represent one for each term, one from each side of the isle, both thumbs up for the Americans who willingly stood up and fought to secure our borders, fought to preserve our independence, and fought during Trump's first term to liberate our country from the vocal minority, who've infiltrated our Democrat Party.

Donald Trump, our duly elected President, survived four (4) separate investigations by an extremely biased FBI, leading up to the Mueller report, concluding there was no collusion between the Russians and Donald Trump. In fact, it was the Clinton's who bought and paid for the Russian Dossier with DNC funds laundered through the Clinton Foundation. Donald Trump, survived what most agree was more then a "Witch-hunt" it was a coup. A coup focused on impeaching him before he could be reelected to a second term. A coup that was launched well before our Commander in Chief, stepped into the Oval Office, long before he took his first Oath of Office.

Little did we realize how deep the swamp-waters in Washington ran, nor how high up in the Obama Administration, the socialist ideology had been planted. Fortunately, the imbedded socialists were using the same "Alinsky' 8 Rules for Radicals" used to elect Obama/Biden in 2008. If you doubt my word. Google Obama-Biden-Alinsky's 8 Rules for Radicals and grab your chest!

Whether you're a staunch Democrat or Republican, you'd be well advised to read first the pre-work below, and then each chapter of my   Risk Management e-book, before going to the polls on November 3, 2020.

It has been said!

It's been said: "If you're not a democrat when you're young, you have no heart, and if you're not a republican when you're older, you'll have a hard time adjusting to the real world.

Ronald Regan, a staunch Democrat into the 50's switched Party's in '62 and went on to become one of the most respected leaders of the free world. He proved, it isn't our Party affiliation that makes America Great, it's our willingness to join forces, and fight for the common good, anytime our Republic comes under attack.

I was a liberal democrat while enrolled at the University of Wisconsin and living on Madison's isthmus, proudly known as  "77 square miles surrounded by reality. I graduated in '68 with a BBA (Risk Management-Insurance-Finance). I "cleaned-up," actively campaigned and voted for Democrat Presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy, not to mention John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) who landed us on the moon and Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), who landed me in Vietnam. I was an active member of my Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), and a Charter Member of the Door County Credit Union (merged first into the Pioneer Credit Union and than into the Capital Credit Union).

After retiring from CUNA Mutual Group (CMG) in 2001, I formed The Risk Management Learning Center and was hired back to work with credit unions in Europe, the Caribbean, South Korea, etc.

Company! Attention!

I launched "" in memory of the five Door County veterans killed in action (KIA) in Vietnam, and the two Vietnam veterans from Door County who committed suicide when we returned. Click here for an updated biography.

Click on their pictures for a link to their names on the WALL!    






Dan L. Pfister

Sfc. U. S. Army - Medic

Sturgeon Bay,

KIA June 18, 1968

Panel 56W line 26

RIP Bayside Cemetery

Randy W. Wagner

Corporal U.S. Army

Egg Harbor,

KIA 11/27/1968

Panel 38W line 80

RIP Egg Harbor Cemetery

David R. Schaefer

Sergeant U.S. Army

Sturgeon Bay

KIA May 1, 1969

Panel 26W line 94

RIP St P&P Institute

Richard E. Perez

Lance Corporal USMC

Washington Island

KIA September 6, 1969

Panel 18W line 49

RIP Island Cemetery

Philip M. Overbeck

1st Lieutenant US Army

Sturgeon Bay

KIA June 10, 1970

Panel 09W line 40

RIP Bayside Cemetery

For more information, go to:  : 



It's been more than frustrating!

It's been more than frustrating to watch a vocal minority in our Democrat Party turn a once moderate Party' platform into a far-left, socialist leaning nightmare for America; a Party platform that now demands a minimum wage to go to work, and a free education to go to school. A Democrat Party that demands we open our borders, get rid of ISIS, close down our fossil fuel industry, and give free healthcare to any illegal alien who can make it into one of their sanctuary cities.



Who was your best teacher?

Ask any of the better teachers and they'll tell you, students should leave the class room with new questions to be answered, a thirst for knowledge, and a desire to explore the universe. While in class, they should respect the toughest teacher, fore it'll be the toughest teacher who'll do them the most good.

They should learn to get along, work with others, and always, always, pursue the common good. And most of all? They should value a good education, focus on courses that'll prepare them for their future, dream big, and shoot for the stars. And finally, a good teacher will challenge their students to think for themselves, and let their critics be damned, fore it's often the critic who has neither the will to be free, nor the courage to fight for their independence.  

I'm not asking anyone to agree with my political points of view. But go back and watch a few episodes of Celebrity Apprentice. Is it not odd, that our main street media can't find anything positive to say about Donald Trump's management style? Less than 10% of what's covered by the Main Street media has anything positive to say about our duly elected Commander in Chief. And that should frighten every American who values our democratic Republic.

I've highlighted hot-links throughout the e-book that'll take you to source documents I've used to support my opinions, conclusions, and political points-of-view. I will be adding to this e-book throughout the campaign, so please revisit this website often, so you won't be left behind.




e-Book Table of Contents


Thumbs up Across America

 Chapter #1 - Risk Management #101

We'll review Risk Management principles and practices.

Chapter #2 - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

We'll establish common ground, on which to move America forward.  

Chapter #3 - Christians For Trump!

We'll mobilize Christians to bring God back into our government, schools, and public square.  

Chapter #4 - Veterans for Trump!

We'll mobilize veterans from every branch of service and focus them on reelecting our Commander in Chief.  

Chapter #5  Trump/Pence vs. Obama/Biden's - You be the judge November 3, 2020

We'll benchmarking President Donald J. Trump's time in office.

Chapter #6 - Homeland Security: The Democrats vs. Republicans - You be the judge.

We'll introduce "cost effective" security upgrades for our border, our schools, and our public forums.

 Chapter #7 - Home-rule Healthcare and Insurance.

We'll introduce a "Private Sector" cure for the Obamacare Plague.

Equally important?

    We'll have fun holding the far-left vocal minority responsible for their lies, “Group-thinking,” smugness and pomposity.

You really want to have fun? Tune into FOX News, sit back and listen to the Great One Mark Lavin!



Seven lessons you might want to learn, before walking into any of my Risk Management workshops:

Lesson #1 - A wise Town Chairman warned me to:

"Never shoot to kill the guy on the other side of a political argument, because sure as God grows little green apples, someday you'll both be on the same side of the fence. His wisdom proved out many times over the years.

Lesson #2 - God gave us the "Ten Commandments."

You know, "Thou Shall NOT kill your baby before or after it's born." The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, simply acknowledge that we have rights given to us by God, among them is life, liberty and the freedom to carry whatever gun we need to fight off an overly intrusive Federal government.

Before attending the first workshop, reread our US Constitution and the Bill and Rights. Google "US Constitution - Bill of Rights" or click here for a copy you can read online.

Lesson #3 - The President of the United States of America has two primary responsibilities: 

The primary duty of our President is to focus first on our national security, and than our nation's economy. Please remember that, when we benchmark the Trump/Pence and Obama/Biden administrations as well as our current US Congress.  

Lesson #4 - Neither Democrats nor Republicans have all the right answers:

Neither political party has all the right answers, so we'd be well advised to mend our fences, get along, and together move America forward.

Lesson #5 - America thrives on a three Party system:

In America, we need a strong and independent Democrat Party, a strong and independent Republican Party, and a loose knit Party of strong and independent voters, all willing to fight to the death to preserve our freedom and independence. Ask any veteran, what's worse than dying for something in which you believe, and they'll tell you, it's living without your freedom and independence.

Lesson #6 - We need to elect our Presidents, the same way corporate America hires their Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)

In corporate America, most CEO's, when hired, are given a guaranteed five year contract, so they're free to bring a new and creative, often a high risk taking management style into the company that'll weed out those who aren't pulling their weight, so the company will expand and reach new profit goals set by the Board of Directors.

At the same time, the CEO submits a "Mission Statement" establishing his 5 year goals for the corporation, along with a Strategic Action Plan (SAT) that outlines what he will accomplish each year, on his way to attaining the corporate goals. At the end of each year, the Corporate Board of Directors "benchmark" his progress and reward him accordingly, usually with a hefty bonus, if he's kept the company on target.

We the voters should approach the polling booth, having done the same due diligence, when it comes to benchmarking Donald Trump's four years in the White House. During his first term, voters should have been regularly "benchmarking" his progress to secure our borders, create jobs, and grow our economy. If he has lived up to his promises, and he has, voters should be willing to go to the polls on November 3, 2020 and reward him with a second term in office. He's already given us one of his mission statements, namely to land us on Mars in the next ten years.

Question: If he's not reelected, and replaced by any of the democrat candidates, who's mission statements now include closing down our fossil fuel industry in ten years, opening up our borders to illegal aliens, eliminating ISIS, raising our taxes, and giving a free education and free healthcare to anyone who asks, etc. Are the democrats ready to benchmark their new president, at the end of the fist year to make sure we're grounding up at least 20% of our cars, trucks, buses, and train locomotives, not to mention shutting down at least 20% of our gas pipelines, as well as 20% of our automobile and motor cycle industry?     

Lesson #7 - You'll never find an atheists on the front lines.  

We need people of all faiths to stand-up and vote: "Click here and watch this short video, before you vote on November, 3 2020?" 






Did you ever wonder why so many good elected officials, on both sides of the isle, go bad over time?

Here is something I learned early on:

After catching three bible teaching Christian ladies embezzling at their credit union, I called my psychologist and asked just how could they do what they did. After all, I'd set in on more than one of their bible studies. Turns out, they all had a "Character Disorder" brought on by never seeing any consequences for their inappropriate behavior, so soon black became gray and wrong became OK as long as you don't get caught.

I tried to walk away, but he said: "Wait a minute, we all have a character disorder, they only differ in degree." He went on to say: We all start small, coming in late to work, maybe leaving early. Right? We start stealing time from our employer, and soon we're calling in sick to go golfing, maybe taking home some company pens for the kids, or maybe using the company car on personal business. Eventually, not knowing how it happened we're lapping deposits at the credit union, creating fictitious loans and bumping due dates so we don't get caught. Eventually we get caught, and if lucky get fired, so we at least learn from our mistakes.

Such is what's going on in the swamps in Washington. First thing the new Congressman learn, is they have to spend up to 80% of their time raising money for their next campaign. Not from their office at the Capitol, but in an office across the street, so they can avoid breaking the law. Now they damn-better not complain, or their Party faithful won't back them in the next election.

Next thing you know, they're handing out free Capitol pens at Christmas and promising their constituents a free education, free healthcare, in Wisconsin a shovel-ready railroad between Milwaukee and Madison, and from Washington, you-got-it, free weapons to fight wars half a world away, along with billions of cash to be siphoned off to corrupt governments, who are more then willing to fire a prosecutor looking into a corrupt company with the son of a high ranking politician on their board.  

And that's how the swamp grows bigger with each administration, until there came Trump. Now all bets are off!     

And that's why we have to keep Donald Trump in the White House for another four years. If we don't every candidate we elect, will eventually bring their character disorder to be fed in the Washington Swamp. And that you can take to the ballot box! 



At some point, socialists will all shoot themselves in the foot:

If the far-left is dumb enough to take it into our US Senate, as Paul Harvey would say, “You’re going to get the rest of the story.” If it gets to that point, my best advice is to tune into “Radio/TV Free America,” more commonly known as “FOX News,” fashioned after “Radio Free Europe".

I’ve built in links, throughout this website so you can judge for yourself the level of Ukraine' corruption that's tied to than Vice President Biden’s family, which we hope doesn't turn out to be only the tip of the iceberg.  In my opinion, President Trump would have been remise had he overlooked the indicators of corruption linked to the Obama/Biden administration.

Considering the fraud there is in Workers Compensation claims (watch Judge Judy), you can only imagine how much more fraud we're going to have once the government takes over our healthcare and insurance.

Remember what England's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said:

"European Socialism works just fine until you run out of other peoples money."







Why read my introduction? It's not an ego-trip!

Why read my introduction? I guess I just want you to think I'm smart. Not necessarily smarter than you, but smart enough to convince you to fight for your own freedom and independence. Smart enough to know getting rid of the internal combustion engine in the next ten years is not going to save the planet. Smart enough to know killing the "image and likeness of God" isn't going to rescue your ass when the tribulation comes, smart enough to know disarming our gun owners is no way to defend our homeland, and smart enough to realize, sometimes the toughest boss will make the best employee out of the laziest kid in the neighborhood.  



Allow me to introduce myself:

My Risk Management career starting at the University of Wisconsin, Madison campus in 1963. After graduating with a BBA in Risk Management – Insurance and Finance, I enlisted in the US Army and spent my entire tour of duty in Vietnam with the Military Assistants Command Vietnam (MACV) from November 10, 1968 thru January 10, 1970.

It took me awhile to adjust back to civilian life, but in 1971, I was hired by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA Inc.) to travel the US organizing and teaching Risk Management through CUNA Inc. and its affiliated credit unions.

FYI: Once organized, credit unions form into local chapters, which are part of their respective State League, which subsequently makes them a supporting member of the Credit Union National Association (CUNA Inc.)

In 1934, credit union leaders met in Estes Park, Colorado and formed CUNA Inc., which is the US confederation of credit unions. Then in 1935, CUNA Inc. met back in Estes Park, adopted the motto "The Debt Shall Die with the Debtor", and formed CUNA Mutual Insurance Society, specifically to provide, blanket Loan Protection and Life Savings insurance to every US credit union member, paid for by their credit union. In 1960, CUNA Inc. formed the Credit Union Mutual Insurance Society (CUMIS), a Property/Casualty insurance company, specifically focused on providing credit unions with a blanket surety bond.

In 1971, CUNA Inc. joined with other credit union associations around the world to form the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU), at which time I was hired to work through both WOCCU and CUNA Inc. to organize and teach Credit Union Risk Management throughout the world credit union movement.  

Note: I share this credit union’ organizational history, because it’s the same “grassroots” organizational structure I’m convinced will work to deliver “blanket” cost effective and affordable healthcare and insurance for every American, from conception until natural death. It’s the same grassroots approach I used when I wrote my “Home-rule Healthcare and Insurance” cure for the socialist plague; originally titled: “Home-rule Healthcare and Insurance, the cure to the OBAMA-Care Curse."

In 1985, it became painfully obvious to CUNA Inc. that our staff in their Risk Management Department was catching too many fraud and scam artists working in the US credit union movement, to be representing their national trade association. It was then that our Risk Management Department was transferred into the CUNA Mutual Group (CMG), at which time I was put in charge of CMG's international "Scam Alert" program. 

I retired from CMG in June 2001 and, after the 9-11-01 terrorist attack at the World Trade Center, I assembled agents from the FBI and Secret Service, sworn law enforcement officers, licensed private security professionals, and select credit union executives from around the US, such as the Federal Employee Credit Union's CEO Florence Rogers, who was the only credit union survivor of the Oklahoma City bombing, and launched “The Risk Management Learning Center” (

Once organized, I contracted with CMG to work through their International department and WOCCU on a project focused on managing terrorist' risks that were increasing in Europe, South Korea and the Caribbean.

Since 9-11-01, working through our FBI’s InfraGard and PAWLI (Professional Association of Wisconsin Licensed Investigators) I’ve focused on the risks created by both international and home-grown terrorist.

They say, if you're not a democrat when you're young, you have no heart, and if you're not a republican when you're older, you'll not survive in the real world.

I was a liberal democrat while enrolled at the University of Wisconsin and living on Madison's isthmus, proudly known as  "77 square miles surrounded by reality. I graduated in '68 with a BBA (Risk Management-Insurance-Finance). I "cleaned-up," actively campaigned and voted for democrat Presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy, not to mention JFK who landed us on the moon and LBJ, who landed me in Vietnam. I was an active member of my Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), and a Charter Member of the Door County Credit Union (merged first into the Pioneer Credit Union and than into the Capital Credit Union).

After retiring from CUNA Mutual Group (CMG) in 2001, I formed The Risk Management Learning Center and was hired back to work with credit unions in Europe, the Caribbean, South Korea, etc. I launched "" in memory of the five Door County veterans killed in action (KIA) in Vietnam, and the two Vietnam veterans from Door County who committed suicide when we returned. For more information click on my biography under my picture, upper right on this page.

*Authors Note: If you get nothing more out of my workshops, I only ask you to read each workshop' case study, complete the exercise, and take the test.



Allow me to introduce the Risk Management workshop on this website:


The Risk Management (RM) workshops you're invited to attend, have been written to help “you” and you alone to make the right choice on Election Day, November 3, 2020. Throughout the workshops and before you cast your ballot, you’ll be asked to focus on the “pure” risks you feel threaten your family, your freedom, your independence, your job security, and the dreams of future generations yet to be born. 

You'll be asked to curb your politics at the door, search for some common ground on which we can all agree, and take a short test at the end of each workshop. 

I’m not asking for you to agree with me. I’m only asking you to come to class with an open mind, and leave knowing, when you step into the booth on November 3, 2020, you'll be ready to cast the right vote for you, your family, your community, and our country. Together, we can make it happen. Together we can peruse our own "American Dream" and together, we can keep America moving forward.

I launched "Thumbs up across America" as a salute to my fellow Americans who've had the courage to standup and fight for our freedom and independence. Americans from both sides of the isle, and both ends of the political spectrum who are fed up with the "vocal minority" who've commandeered our once proud Democrat Party. The party that landed us on the moon, lead us through WWII, and pulled us out of the Great Depression.

The first workshop will deal with setting our priorities and dealing with all the trauma intentionally packed into political campaigns. You'll learn how to deal with the winners, the normal cry-babies, and those suffering from Trump Deraignment Syndrome. The second workshop will cover the "Risk Management" principles and practices you'll need to know in order to identify, measure, and control the new life threatening risks we all face living in a free-market democratic Republic.

We'll quickly find common ground on which republicans and democrats can all agree, before mobilizing Americans of all ages, all faiths, all occupations, and all military backgrounds into a fighting force focused on preserving our freedom and independence. Considering it was Texas democrat Representative Allen Green and Adam Schiff who've been leading the charge to impeach our President since 18 minutes after he walked into the White House, I've invited their dumb-asses to audit my workshops. They just might learn something, and we'll all be glad they did.

All Risk Management (RM) workshops hold to Plato's theory of "Positive Knowledge," something we're not getting from the main-street media. It is positive knowledge, not fake news, that forms the foundation for our democracy, and fuels our fight for our freedom and independence. I've embedded links throughout this website and RM workshops you can use to read for extra credit, or more importantly, use when confronted by the ill-informed vocal minority.

Please! Take the time to learn more about: Fascism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, and Nazism! It's the direction the far-left vocal minority in the Democrat Party is asking us to go. You still doubt it? Click here!


So let's get it on!

I met a young lady this morning celebrating her birthday at my favorite coffee cafe in Sturgeon Bay. When she told me she was born six months before I retired from CUNA Mutual and two months after Bill Clinton turned in the keys to the White House, I realized it was time to turn my Risk Management workshops, into a series of chapters in an on-line book. That way it'll be an e-book the reader can read on their smart phone and I'll be able to link them into my research files at my Risk Management Learning Center. And they say, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

So welcome class, to my series of Risk Management workshops, now made into chapters in my upcoming Risk Management e-book focused on keeping the lines of "registered" voters at the polling booths November 3, 2020, as long as possible. An e-book you can use to help keep Donald Trump in the White House, keep America strong again, keep our economy growing again, while together we keep America Great Again. 

You may disagree with my opinions, that’s your prerogative. Note how the word prerogative is highlighted. That means you can click on it to get its definition.) That’s important for you to remember, so I don’t have to repeat it every time you’re linked to my research files. If you disagree with my opinion, that's OK. While you agreeing with me is important, getting Donald Trump reelected is more important for our country, then me worrying about offending your civility. Remember to click on the highlighted words, if you don't understand!

So let’s “get it on.” That’s an expression from back in the 50’s.





It was Yogi Berra who said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

Until now, we could smile at Yogi's humor. Whether we went left or right, we'd end up at his house.

On November 3, 2020, you're going to reach a fork in the road, step into a polling booth, close the curtain, and decide for yourself, whether you want the country to turn sharp left with the vocal minority who've commandeered our once moderate Democrat Party, or go straight ahead with President Donald J. Trump, and keep growing our economy, rebuilding our military, reengineering our health insurance industry, and placing God back in our public squares.

"Remember the curtain will be closed and only you need to know for whom you voted"

You're going to be asked: Which candidate in "Your" opinion is best qualified to meet "Your" needs:

  • Best qualified to put God back in our government, Christ back in  Christmas, and Baby Jesus back in our public square.

  • Best qualified to rebuild our military so as to preserve our freedom and independence, secure our borders and fix our immigration system, so as to once and for all end drug and human trafficking, end our historical trade imbalance with countries around the world and permanently bring lost industries back to the US, challenge our teachers to foster American' ingenuity, rather than socialist' ideology; graduate career-ready employees rather then life-long politicians, and lead us past the moon full speed ahead to Mars.

  • Best qualified to work the hardest and grow our economy, negotiate a settlement that'll end the Korean War and unite the Korean Peninsula, require our allies to pay their fair share for wars fought a half a world away, and once and for all bring our solders home, out of unwinnable wars between cultures at war for centuries,

  • Best qualified to reengineer our US health insurance industry so we can lockdown "Home-rule" cost effective and affordable healthcare and insurance for all US citizens from conception until natural death, reduce your taxes while eliminating useless economy-stifling regulations, consistently drive the stock market and your IRA to record heights, and in addition, clean up the polluted air circulating the globe.


This time around, if you screw up and turn left, you're going to put the United States on Bernie Sander's slippery slide toward European Socialism, the same European Socialism England's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned: "Works just fine until you run out of other peoples money." Don't doubt it!

All twenty of the original Democrat Party candidates during the first debate, stepped far left and adopted all four of Bernie's platform promises, which you'll learn if you follow me through the swamp to the polling booth, are a carbon copy of Joseph Stalin's Communist Party Platform.

I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm only asking you to swim with me through the swamp to the polls on November 3, 2020, i.e., read this website top to bottom, or if choose to take a short cut, page down and read my "Risk Management e-book". Whatever you choose, it's my hope and prayer, you'll vote your conscience when your reach to polls. Hopefully with a bus full of your like-minded friends and family.  


Chapter #1 - Risk Management 101

Let's chart a "Risk Management" path to the polls!









CEO: "Rich" Woldt


We have much in common!

Click here!


Two Thumbs UP Wisconsin!
























Opening Prayer!

Each year, at our Republican' State Convention, we hold a prayer breakfast on Sunday morning. We mend fences and heal wounds created by the anger and frustration common to both side of the isle. Ron Johnson often starts reflecting on the wisdom in Mathew, i.e. "When we're weak, it's than we're strong, fore it's then we realize how lost we'd be without God in our lives." Over the years, I've seen Mike Gallagher, John Macco, Paul Ryan and Brad Schimel guide our prayers.

Scott Walker, usually closes breakfast reading from his family' bible, offering prayers for those with whom we disagree. If we'd all stop and pray, before every meeting, we'd all be better off. So bow your head and read on.

God helps us get along as we move America forward! 


A prayer is a good place to start:

Let's pray to stop the abortions fueled by our incremental approach to "Right-to-life" legislation.

Let's pray we'll remember Jesus stirred in Mary's womb when she announced she was pregnant to Elizabeth, and that we are all born in the "image and likeness of God."

Let's pray we'll accept God meant for life to begin at conception and any effort to end His creation should be condemned by both sides of the isle.

Let's pray America adopts "Personhood" as its new standard in the "Right-to- Life debate, and work to convince people of all faiths to expand adoption options around the world.

Finally, let's pray to get alone, fore we should never shoot to kill those on the other side of the fence, as sure as God grows little green apples, we're going to be on the same side of the fence during the next debate.  



This site is under construction from here down!

Rich Woldt



Now let's Benchmark Governor Scott Walker vs. Tony Evers:
Wisconsin was heading in the "Right" direction!

     Than Tony Evers took over!

  First: Governor Scott Walker!

"Google" where Wisconsin is when you join the workshop, compared to where Wisconsin was, when Governor Tony Evers was elected. Did we make a mistake? You be the judge.

Wisconsin was moving forward in 2016, than came the Tony Evers!

While Republicans were at the helm, unemployment was at a record low, our state budget had grown from a $3.6 billion deficit to a $500 million surplus, democrat' double-digit tax increases were history and our relief fund grew to $8.1 billion.

Investment in K-12 education had increased, and a 6 year freeze had been placed on UW tuitions. Our quality of healthcare in Wisconsin rose from 7th to 1st in the nation, the economic impact of tourism in Wisconsin had grown from $14.8 billion to $20.6 billion, and we'd made over a $41.5 million investment in broadband.

So what happened? The democrats launched a well organized campaign to oust republicans from office. They stole and destroyed our signs, infiltrated our Lincoln Day dinners, demonstrated outside our headquarters, and stood on our bridges shouting obscenities at anyone who dared to voice a conservative point of view.

We got the vote out, but the far left was better organized, better financed, and backed by the main-street media. Wisconsin went to bed confident Walker and Brad Schimel had won, but sometime after midnight uncounted absentee ballots mysteriously appeared the vast majority being cast for Tony Evers and Josh Kaul.

Here are the City of Milwaukee absentee ballot totals: You be the judge.

  • Scott Walker: 7,188
  • Tony Evers: 38,674
  • Tammy Baldwin: 40,592
  • Leah Vukmir: 6,345
  • Brad Schimel: 7,530
  • Josh Kaul: 37,882

Wisconsin democrats got who they wanted. Consequently, our conservative values now ride in the back seat. Evers has promised to veto any effort to curb not only late-term but "after-birth" abortions. He also vowed to take Christ out of our "Christmas Trees," as well as out of our schools and public square, not to mention raise taxes to support a laundry list of social welfare projects that'll make past democrat Governors look to be part of the GOP. 

Grab your check book if democrats get elected in 2020!





Now let's "Benchmark" Governor Tony Evers first term in office:

July 2019

When asked,Tony Evers doubles down on his pledge to veto any legislation restricting abortions, to include late term abortions, and you got it, killing the baby after it's been born and breathing.

September 2019

Wisconsin Job Loss under Governor Evers Worst in a Decade
WI is on pace to record nearly 12,000 mass layoffs this year under Evers – The highest number in a decade.

[Madison, WI] – Yesterday, it was reported that Wisconsin has already seen 8,142 layoffs since Governor Evers took office in January. This puts Wisconsin on pace to record nearly 12,000 mass layoffs in the first year of the Evers administration, which would be the highest number of such job losses over the past decade. As Empower Wisconsin reports, the policies and regulations being pushed by Gov. Evers’ administration are causing increasing concerns within the business community according to economy watchers.

"It didn't even take a full year for Gov. Tony Evers' failed far-left agenda to help put Wisconsin on pace for the worst job loss in nearly a decade,” said Republican Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Mark Jefferson in response to news. “If Gov. Evers wants to keep Wisconsin's economy strong, he'll work with Republicans instead of constantly pushing for tax hikes and big government bureaucracy that make it harder for companies to invest in jobs for hard-working families.”

Read the full write-up here or find excerpts below.

Uncertainty in Evers Economy - Mass Layoffs Trending Up, Number of Employed Moving Down
Empower Wisconsin
Matt Kittle
September 11, 2019

October 2019


Let's "Benchmark" President Trump and Congress November 8, 2016 to November 3, 2020!

Before Donald Trump was elected President:

Since Donald Trump has been in office:

We had 13 million more people on food stamps!

We suffered the lowest labor participation rate in 70 years!

We had eight (8) million more people in poverty, and

We had gone through the slowest and worst economic recovery since the 1940's.

Tony Evers, along with Texas democrat Representative Al Green vowed to impeach our President even before he was elected. Are politicians with that much hate for the other side of the isle really ever going to put the best interest of voters before their own?

Didn't get him on:

It's not about serving we the people. Moved toward socialism

So bad can't be


94 trillion new green deal we take in 4 trillion a year

Warren 52 trillion Medicare for all. ten years.

Obamacare keep doctor keep plan plan cost up 174%

False security.  We give them our liberty and freedom.

We'll never recover

Left don't even know who:

Abu Bakr al-Baghdad

Michigan's Congress Women Rashida Tlaibs, considered to be representing the "new" Democrat Party, pledged to impeach Donald Trump the day she was sworn in. Read her story and you be the judge.


We are now energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

We now have record low unemployment in all demographics to include:

The lowest unemployment for African Americans.

The lowest unemployment for Hispanics.

The lowest unemployment for Asians,

The lowest unemployment for women in the workforce,

The lowest unemployment for youth across the country.

We’ve experienced the largest tax cuts and deregulation in our history, consequently:

Our automobile industry is moving back to America.

We have record high employment participation

Our economy is booming!

We have record-high stock markets!

And wages for every age group and gender are growing!

best employment situation since 1969

Jobs Obama said will never come back are back.

We the people shocked the world. Let's do it again.

Chained the rules of engagement

Got rid of the Johnson Amendment

844 Lavin TV or


President Trump announces the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (U-tube)

Phase #1 trade deal with China where China will buy 200 biliion in US goods in next 2 years 1/4 of which is Agriculture.


Ready on the Left? Ready on the Right?


It’s been frustrating to watch the far-left socialists commandeer our once proud Democrat Party. The party of JFK that landed us on the moon, demanding our students, “Ask not what their country can do for them, but what they can do for their country.”  The Democrat Party of FDR that led us through WWII, and pulled us out of the Great Depression. Sadly now, the democrats stand on our bridges shouting obscenities at passing cars, require a minimum wage to work and a promise of a free education to vote. They condemn drug lords and human trafficking, yet protest for open borders, chain migration, and sanctuary cities.

They condemn Trump for shaking Putin’s hand while applauding Obama telling Putin to wait until he’s reelected to discuss reducing the missile defenses in Europe. They condemn Trump for stepping into North Korea, while applauding Clinton for giving North Korea billions in laundered cash. They applauded Obama while GM drove out of Janesville, Chrysler out of Rockford and Ford out of the Motor City, while condemning Trump for bringing the automobile industry back to the US.

They condemn Trump for his sexist comments, while turning a blind eye to Bill soiling Monica’s dress in the oval office, let alone his trips to Jeffery Epstein’s private island. They applaud when Trump’s son falls victim to the fake news, while ignoring the documented corruption in the Biden family.

In every way the most disgusting effort to commandeer our once proud Democrat Party, has been the Kangaroo Court and its “Witch-hunt” orchestrated by Adam Shift. It’s my hope, every American will go to the poles in 2020, and drain not only the swamp in Washington, but in every state in our union. If we don’t our freedom, independence, and the liberty we cherish to live in a free-market capitalist society will be lost forever.

 I pray to God they'll be able to recover. And, on our knees is the perfect place to start.



What's the difference?

Between Republicans and Democrats, when it comes to taxes and affordable healthcare?


  • This same difference in perception, carries over to our efforts to create cost effective and affordable healthcare and insurance. The democrats are notorious for misinterpreting what republicans are trying to do. That's a nice way of saying they're lying through their teeth. Obamacare, the largest tax increase in US history, was "One Big Academic Mistake for America - an OBAMA," and democrats know it.

You don't have to be brave. Not everyone is. YOU just have to have the courage to walk into the booth, close the curtain, and vote!

Read it top to bottom and share it with others via your social media accounts!

What's nice about voting in America, is we can picket and protest, argue and fight, debate and make perfect assess of ourselves, right up and until the moment we walk into the poling booth, pull the curtain, and cast our ballot. My best advice? Vote for the candidate that most closely represents your moral code, business ethics, "your" dreams, and "your" hope for the future.             

Rich Woldt CEO The Risk Management Learning Center

Relax! Have fun. Unless you tell, no one needs to know for whom you voted! Thumbs up to you for voting!


Ronald Reagan said - "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid!"

Republicans say - It's time to get out the vote, and fight back! 

Still not convinced?

"Incase you haven't heard, or seen the evidence posted in our "deep-throat" files, the democrats, from the highest levels of their party, have put out the word to trash our democracy, threaten small businesses, and do whatever it takes to "bully" voters into voting for their candidates on November 6th. Please, click here and read Saul David Alinsky's 8 rules for radicals, and benchmark the democrats campaign strategy for yourself. It's an excerpt from my proposed path the cost effective and affordable healthcare and insurance. Click here for a message from our Founding Fathers. Later, after you've read to the bottom of this page, come back, click here and read my message to congress and letter to the world credit union movement.

If you're not yet convinced, our field-tested, dedicated, patriotic candidates are not worthy of your vote, go to our deep-throat files and watch our hidden camera videos of Wisconsin's democrats trashing our signs, and listen to tapes of their calls to small businesses across the state, threatening "consequences" if they continue to support any republican candidate.


Trump Deraignment Syndrome


Below are a few website contributors: Click on their nose!


Click on Rush's nose!




I predict a major backlash for the democrats!




Make sure the candidates you choose are focused on YOUR needs, Your moral code, Your business ethics!


Let's make sure the candidates we choose are focused on our needs!

Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs"

Abraham Maslow, a Psychology Professor at the University of Wisconsin in the 1940’s, wrote about the priority of our needs, when we're under stress. According to his “Hierarchy of Needs” theory, we all need to first focus on our physiological needs; finding a meaningful, long-term, high paying job, putting food on the table, and a roof over our heads. Only after our physiological needs are met, do we search for a place to belong, and a path to a promising future.

So what's wrong with all those distracting negative ads, asking us to blindly climb on a "Blue-wave" heading off into the fog? Just about everything. They not only give us a distorted view of reality, they lead us to making fool-hearty decisions at the ballot box. Unfortunately, they do nothing but take our eye off the ball long enough to elect the least qualified candidate.   

So I ask you, now that Scott Walker's governing style has stopped the corporate' exodus out of Wisconsin, and he's attracting world-class employers, the creators of high paying jobs into Wisconsin, while Donald Trump is focused on bringing our automobile industry back to the Midwest, who in their right mind wouldn't want both back in office, for as long as they're willing to serve?

Why would anyone want to turn left with the democrats to a U-turn back to debt-financing railroads no one will ride, leading to unfunded pension liabilities, higher taxes and deeper debts we'll have to kick down the road for future generations.

Why would any union member want to go back to being told where, when and how hard to work, let alone for whom to vote, no matter how much freedom and independence they have to forgo to ride the "Blue-wave" into the blue-fog heading to the unemployment lines. Unemployment lines, bye the way, that don't exist anymore in Wisconsin thanks to Scott Walker. 


Let's make sure the candidates we choose are mission ready to serve!

The Incident Command System (ICS)

Step # 5:  Choose the Right candidate for the Right reasons!

If you're not yet ready to vote a straight Republican ticket yet on  Tuesday, November 6, 2020, keep reading!



Heads up America!

I don’t know about you, but I like to be free, free to come and go as I please, to eat and drink as much as I want, what I want, when I want, I can shower for an hour if I please. I’m free to drive the car I want, the truck I need, free to work hard and support my family, send my kids to the best school I can find. I’m just lucky to be free and by God, I’ll fight to keep my freedom.   

I’m independent too! Let me tell you, I’m so independent I don’t even let my kids tell me what to do. I stay out as late as I want, once till after the cows came home to be milked. I’m independent at work too. So independent I worked my way all the way up into management, so I quit. I can’t stand telling someone else how to do my job, let alone having to pay them twice what their worth to get the job done on time. I like my independence, and I’ll fight to keep me that way.

I’ve been liberated. There was a time, now generations ago, my family wasn’t free to be the people we are today. They were told what cars to drive, guns to carry, food to eat and how much to drink. They were told what jobs to work, and like it or not how hard to work. It’s not hard to understand, why my family fled to America to escape the socialist who’d taken over in Eastern Europe.

That’s why, after the Socialist Party in America delayed our entry into WWII, until it was almost too late, I can’t understand why the far-left, socialist wing of the Democrat Party in America has gained so much traction on the left side of the isle.

I keep this picture in my office to remind me how many of our solders lost their life, because for a brief time in our history, the socialist wing of the Democrat Party were found swimming in the swamps in Washington.      



Is history repeating itself on the democrat side of the isle?

Mission Statement:

I will convince you to elect only God fearing, properly vetted, mission ready, candidates to public office in Wisconsin.

I will convince you to condemn the sick political humor that's fueling the main street media, confront those who support partial birth abortions, promote sanctuary cities, advocate open borders, and see nothing wrong with paying ransoms for the release of hostages, releasing enemy combatants back to the battle field, and give money to our enemies, while they're chanting "Death to America."

I will convince you to vote only for candidates who'll fight for our freedom and independence, right to work, right to carry, right to worship, and right to live in a free county, free of taxes, free of government regulations, and free to live in a country driven forward by an open, free market economy. .

Finally, I will ask you to choose candidates who’ve been properly vetted, field-tested, and who stand mission ready to keep Wisconsin moving forward, and America on track, heading in the right direction.

 Strategic Action Plan (SAP)

I will first give you an up close and personal introduction to the Republican candidates on the November 6th ballot, followed by an introduction to the “Risk Management (RM0”) method of management, and finally, using the RM method of management, I will sit your family down and help “you” identify, measure, and control the health risks you’ve created, living in a free market, “Capitalist” society.


It's hard to argue that history isn't repeating itself on the left side of the isle. After all, the influence self proclaimed Socialist, Bernie Sanders, has had on Tammy Baldwin and the democrat' platform has more than pushed their candidates down the slippery slope toward European Socialism.

It was England's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who said: "Socialism works just fine until you run out of someone else's money."

Note: To me, the worried look on those 4'X4' portraits of Tammy Baldwin along Wisconsin' highways is saying: "Please God, don't let anyone voting for me tune into FOX News, or my campaign is over."


Words of Wisdom

As long as America remain woefully uninformed, mislead by fake news, and misguided by negative ads, our political' swamps are going to grow wider, our debts deeper, we'll continue to mortgage our liberty, and our freedom will be lost!

It all explains, why in Wisconsin, Tony Ebers sees nothing wrong with raising taxes, and why Jim Doyle saw nothing wrong with building a railroad between Milwaukee and Madison, while arranging the engine to be built in Spain. It's also why, when in power, the democrats will build endless miles of sidewalks and bike trails until the federal grants run dry.


England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said:

“The problem with European Socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money.

Ronald Reagan said:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinctions," and Abraham Lincoln said: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

And that explains, why we all have to get out and vote a


I'm dedicating this site to the five Door County veterans, who were Killed in Action (KIA), during the Vietnam War.

Click on their pictures for a link to them on the WALL!      For more information, go to: 






Dan L. Pfister

Sfc. U. S. Army - Medic

Sturgeon Bay,

KIA June 18, 1968

Panel 56W line 26

RIP Bayside Cemetery

Randy W. Wagner

Corporal U.S. Army

Egg Harbor,

KIA 11/27/1968

Panel 38W line 80

RIP Egg Harbor Cemetery

David R. Schaefer

Sergeant U.S. Army

Sturgeon Bay

KIA May 1, 1969

Panel 26W line 94

RIP St P&P Institute

Richard E. Perez

Lance Corporal USMC

Washington Island

KIA September 6, 1969

Panel 18W line 49

RIP Island Cemetery

Philip M. Overbeck

1st Lieutenant US Army

Sturgeon Bay

KIA June 10, 1970

Panel 09W line 40

RIP Bayside Cemetery


Before we go any farther, I want to make it perfectly clear, why I'm so repulsed by far-left vocal minority flipping me the bird, spitting in my face, and cutting the side-wall of my tires at our last Republican caucus in Oshkosh. Below are five of my fellow vets from Door County, who were killed while we were serving in Vietnam. Dan was kill while I was in basic training, Randy was killed weeks after I landed in country,


Randy Wagner, Lee Patza and I left Egg Harbor about the same time. Lee landed in Vietnam March 23, 1968, Randy on September 11, 1968 and I landed on November 10, 1968. Randy was killed by a demolition bomb on November 11, 1968 the day after I landed at Long Bien Ben Hue.

David Schaefer, son of Roy and Helen (Rohr) Schaefer, Sturgeon Bay, landed in the Mekong Delta as part of the Ninth Infantry Division on March 1, 1969 and was killed 61 days later on May 1, 1969; leaving three brothers; Steve, Rick and Mark and paternal grandmother, Nellie Schaefer behind. I remember hanging out with David at his family's Shell Station on Jefferson where he spent many hours working on his '62Corvair. 

Sergeant Schaefer was awarded several medals posthumously for valor in combat. The Silver Star with 1st Oak Leaf Cluster. The first was for picking up an armed Vietcong grenade from beneath a wounded soldier and hurling it away, where it exploded shortly thereafter. The second was for courageously leading an attack against a Vietcong bunker where he took machine gun fire that cost him his life. Also awarded were the Bronze Star and Bronze Star first Oak Leaf Cluster for meritorious achievement while participating in sustained aerial flight in support of combat forces and the Purple Heart.    

Rick Perez, Washington Island,  was scheduled to leave for home on September 22  (we called it  "DEROS" to "CONUS" or "Date Expected to Return from Overseas to Continental United States"). He was killed by a fragmentation grenade in Quang Nam province on September 6, 1969; sixteen days before he would have safely landed at home on the Island.   

Dan Pfister, born in Jacksonport, had been in the Army since 1955. He was the oldest and first Door County vet to be killed in Vietnam.  Dan and I were attached to the same MACVn command.  We called him a "Brown Boot" because once you're in Nam for over a week you're boots are red-brown from the mud in the rivers. Dan was a medic on an operation out of Binh Thuan when he was first listed as  MIA but than the same day (June 18, 1968), his body was recovered and he was official reported as Killed in Action.

Philip Overbeck, Son of Henry and Thea, brother of William and Charles and Michael and Margi and Elizabeth and Jennifer; a 1965 graduate of Sturgeon Bay High School, was the fifth and last Door County vet to be Killed in Action on June 10. 1970. Phil was a paratrooper serving with the 173 Airborne Brigade, Company B-4, 503 Infantry when he was killed by an explosive device while on an operation out of Binh Dinh.  Phil's brothers William and Charles are both Vietnam vets. 

Lee landed safely back in the U.S. February 9, 1969. I was scheduled to go home November 10, 1968 but extended my tour to get the --- who killed Randy. I landed back in the U.S. January 10, 1970.



I've spent a great deal of my career conducting "fraud-audits" designed to detect and discourage fraud and dishonesty in the world credit union movement. Such audits worked well to detect fraud and dishonesty, but did little to discourage it. The best way to discourage someone from doing something wrong, is to convince them, it'll be their good reputation, that'll serve them well if they're ever falsely accused.

I didn't lose a wink of sleep worrying about Donald J. Trump throughout the Mueller investigations, nor the efforts to impeach the President of the United States. After millions of wasted taxpayer dollars and thousands of hours spent by an unlimited number of highly skilled FBI agents, they found NO Russian collusion. After over four years, they started before he was elected, some of the most biased left-wing politicians in the House found no evidence of any criminal activity.

Like it or not America, it was his 'in-your-face," hard hitting reputation that's securing our southern border, negotiated the United States-Mexico-America-Canada (USMAC) update to NAFTA which has gone down in history as Bill Clinton's biggest mistake. A mistake, as covered by the late night talk shows, even bigger than what he did to Monica in the Oval Office.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just Donald Trump who's been smeared by the far-left socialist extreme in the Democrat Party. We've had, and still have a number of highly talented, hard working, political leaders on the left side of the isle. JFK and FDR to name a few, plus a few more currently serving I'd admit, if they hadn't gone along with the crowed to impeach the President. Unfortunately, for the Democrat Party, if you were in for a penny, you're going to be in for a pound of beating at the polls next November. Their focused hard work and good reputations have been smeared by a few bad actors out to impeach our President.

So where does this bring us? It brings us to a point in our history, when we can drain the swamp, one by one, on November 3, 2020. It brings us to a time in our history, when you can muster up the time to read this page top to bottom, where 1/2 way down you'll be invited either into a series of Risk Management workshops, or if you prefer, to read my latest e-book, yet to be written. Both the workshops and chapters in the e-book will be regularly updated throughout the campaign. For now, following is the latest Table of Contents:   



I met a young lady celebrating her birthday at my favorite coffee café in Sturgeon Bay. When she told me she was born six months before I retired, two months after Bill Clinton turned in the keys to the Oval Office, I realized it was time to turn my Risk Management workshops, into a series of chapters in, what she told me was an e-book, so she could read it on line. And, they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

So welcome class, to a series of Risk Management presentations that’ll help you make the right choice when you go to the polls on November 3, 2020. While I’m not asking you to agree with my aging wisdom, I am asking you to consider my conservative point of view before you drop your absentee ballot in the mail on the way out of town. FYI, it's smart to vote early so you can avoid the long lines of "registered" voters that'll be voting to reelect President Trump on November 3, 2020, As they say in the wild-west, it isn't smart to change horses in the middle of the stream. 

You may disagree with my opinions, that’s your prerogative. Note how the word prerogative is highlighted. That means you can click on it to get its definition. That’s important for you to remember, so I don’t have to repeat it every time you’re linked to my research files. I think you're going to like this e-book stuff. Share it with your friends on Facebook and twitter.

If you disagree with my opinion, that's OK. While it would be smart for you to agree, it's more important for you to think for yourself. Many of you have been sucked into Bernie Sander's democratic socialism, and he's relying on you all blindly climbing aboard his slippery slope toward Socialism. Worse then the European Socialism England's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warned "works just fine until you run out of other peoples money."

And that my fellow Americans will be the "Kiss-of-Death" for our democratic Republic. You're going to hear my favorite lso, if my four letter words offend your civility, but suck it up, being PC just isn't part of my nature. Getting you to  "vote" for Donald Trump on November 3, 2020, not to mention getting your friends and family to "vote" is too important, for me to worry about offending your civility.

out It too important, in the best interest of our country Remember to click on the highlighted words, if you don't understand!

So let’s “get it on.” That’s an expression from back in the 50’s.





Begin with the track titled “Trauma Management 101”. I’ve built in links that’ll lead you to the potential corruption tied to than Vice President Biden’s family, which in my opinion is just the tip of the iceberg. In my opinion, President Trump would have been remise had he overlooked the indicators of corruption linked to the Obama administration. The only bright side of the “Witch-hunt” impeachment proceedings of President Trump, if their dumb enough to take it into our US Senate, is as Paul Harvey would say, “You’re going to get the rest of the story.” If it gets to that point, my best advice is to tune into “Radio/TV Free America,” more commonly known as “FOX News,” fashioned after “Radio Free Europe".  

Risk Management 101

free, independent, liberated society.


Thank you Donald Trump



It's time for all Americans to call out the vocal minority, who've commandeered our once proud Democrat Party. It's time for Christians to stand up and fight against the taxpayer funding of abortion. It's time for veterans to "have-the-back" of their Commander-in-Chief. It's time for Americans, from both sides of the isle, to demand our freedom from an increasingly intrusive government ideology, the freedom to chart our own destiny, and the right to defend our homes and homeland as we see fit.   

Through this website, we're going to muster-up our "Veterans for Trump" in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines! We're going to muster-up our women in the "Women for Trump" movement, along with the "Christians for Trump," our "Hispanics for Trump" and our "African Americans for Trump," along with our "Union Members for Trump" and the growing "For Trump" movements coming out of every faith-based group in America. We're all fed up and focused on voting out any politician pledging to take God out of our government, our schools, and our public squares.